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Center for Pregnancy Options

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(415) 353-3400

The UCSF Center for Pregnancy Options 在私人诊所提供堕胎护理和计划生育服务, comfortable and sensitive environment. We care for women seeking elective abortion, treatment for miscarriage or fetal death, 以及因胎儿或母亲健康问题而终止妊娠.

We provide:

We are dedicated to protecting your privacy. Your personal, 未经您的签字同意,医疗和账单信息不会与任何人共享,包括您的家人和转诊十大赌博平台排行榜. All UCSF doctors, nurses, other staff, students, 学员和志愿者严格遵守联邦和州的隐私和安全法规.

我们的中心是UCSF怀孕选择中心的综合服务, 我们的病人也不会被分开辨认.

Our services

Elective abortion

在预约选择性流产之前, 请用非处方家用验孕棒确认你怀孕了, 你可以在药店或超市买到吗. 如果你需要帮助来决定你的怀孕,下面的资源可能会有帮助.

Miscarriage treatment

流产是一种非常困难和悲伤的经历. 根据您的具体情况,我们提供多种治疗选择和支持服务:

  • 不完全流产的治疗或密切监测
  • 帮助完成流产的医疗管理或药物
  • First trimester uterine aspiration


由于胎儿畸形或产妇健康状况而终止妊娠可能是一个极其困难的选择. 我们在一个支持的环境中提供以下服务:

Experts at the UCSF Prenatal Diagnostic Center 擅长高危妊娠和胎儿畸形. 如需基因咨询和检测,请联系本中心.


我们可以帮助您找到最合适的避孕方法, 基于你的健康和计划生育意愿. We provide:

  • Condoms
  • Diaphragms and cervical caps
  • Emergency contraception
  • 宫内避孕(也称为宫内节育器或iud), including Paragard, which doesn’t use hormones, and Mirena, which releases the hormone progestin
  • Natural family planning
  • Prescriptions for oral contraceptives, 包括单孕激素和联合激素药片, 避孕贴片和阴道插入物NuvaRing
  • Depo-Provera,一种黄体酮注射,通常每12周注射一次
  • 植入,放置在上臂皮下的黄体酮植入物

Emergency contraception

紧急避孕(EC)是安全有效的预防无保护的性行为后怀孕或当节育失败. 避孕药可以暂时阻止卵子从卵巢释放,并可能阻止受精卵附着在子宫上. Ideally, EC应在无保护性行为发生后24小时内服用, 但如果在72小时内服用,它仍然有效. 越早服用欧共体,效果越好. 如果你已经怀孕了,EC是无效的.


Support our program

对加州大学旧金山分校怀孕选择中心的捐赠有助于我们扩大服务范围,并继续为患者和家属提供重要的护理. Please consider making a donation to support this important work.

Our locations

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    Patient education

    FAQ: Post-Abortion Care and Recovery

    关于流产后护理和康复的常见问题包括, cramping/bleeding, possible complications, avoiding infection and more.

    Aspiration Versus Medication Abortion

    你是在考虑药物流产还是手术流产? 在这里找到有关吸刮术和药物流产的信息,以帮助您做出决定.

    Support services

    Patient Resource

    Case Management & Social Work

    与一个可以帮助你找到资源的团队联系, 在UCSF治疗期间为您解决问题并为您提供支持.


    Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction Class

    这个为期八周的课程教授正念练习,可以减轻压力,改善你的整体健康, such as meditation and body awareness.

    Patient Resource

    Patient Relations

    我们十大赌博靠谱网络平台您对您在加州大学旧金山分校健康中心的体验进行反馈. 了解如何与我们联系,提出意见、问题或疑虑.

    Patient Resource

    Spiritual Care Services

    代表多种信仰的牧师可以24小时提供支持, comfort and counsel to patients, families and caregivers.

    Patient Resource

    Women's Health Resource Center

    Access free health resources here, 从课程和网络研讨会到支持小组和医疗转诊, plus pregnancy, birth and breastfeeding services.

    Preparing for your appointment

    What to Bring

    • Photo I.D.
    • Health insurance card
    • Insurance authorization, if required
    • Doctor's referral, if required
    • Recent test results related to your condition
    • 你的药物清单,包括剂量,还有你过敏的药物
    • List of questions you may have
    • Device or paper for taking notes

    International Services

    如果你住在美国以外,来加州大学旧金山分校接受治疗, 我们的病人联络人可以帮助协调您就诊的各个方面.

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    Interpreting Services

    UCSF offers interpreters in various languages, including American Sign Language (ASL), as well as services for deaf, 听力障碍和视力受损患者.

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    Hospital Stays


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    Your Doctor Visit


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    (888) 689-8273
