


Want to avoid spending the winter curled up with a pile of tissues 和 painkillers? The single best way to prevent the flu is to get vaccinated each fall 之前 the season begins in October. 而你每年的流感疫苗并不能提供全面的保护, it will greatly reduce y我们的 chances of contracting this potentially deadly virus – 和 of passing it on to someone else.

Y我们的 local drugstore pharmacy is probably the easiest 和 closest place to get a flu shot. 大多数药店允许你在网上预约, 如果没有预约的话,他们也会接待不请自来的客人.

The 2024-2025 flu vaccine will also be available to UCSF patients at primary care clinics 和 during scheduled visits. 了解更多关于 我们的 流感疫苗诊所 页面.


The Centers for Disease Control 和 Prevention recommends that everyone age 6 months or older receive a flu shot. It starts protecting you about two weeks after the injection, 和 protection lasts up to a year. 一些接种了疫苗的人仍然会患上流感, but they usually have a milder case than those who didn't get the shot.

Influenza vaccine has been used in the United States for many years. Since flu viruses change often, the vaccine is typically updated every year.

The vaccine is especially important for people at higher risk of complications from the flu, 包括:

  • 孕妇
  • People with certain medical conditions, including 哮喘, 糖尿病 和 chronic lung disease
  • 婴儿看护人与婴儿住在一起或照顾婴儿的人
  • 65岁或以上的成年人
  • 5岁以下儿童

有些人应该 receive a flu shot without first speaking to their health care provider, including those who:

  • 过去打过流感疫苗有不良反应吗
  • 在预定注射流感疫苗的那天发烧

有基础疾病的患者, 比如某些血液或神经肌肉疾病, should also speak to their doctor about whether it's safe to get a flu shot. 

In the past, some people with egg allergies were told 不 to get the flu shot. That advice has changed: Based on strong evidence that the flu vaccine is safe for people who are allergic to eggs, 美国过敏学会联合工作组, 哮喘 & 免疫学(AAAAI)和美国过敏哮喘学会 & 免疫学(ACAAI)表示不需要特别的预防措施.

With that in mind, patients getting flu shots will 不 be asked whether they have an egg allergy. 要了解更多信息,请访问AAAAI 鸡蛋过敏和流感疫苗 页面. It includes this helpful video: "Should I get the flu shot if I have an egg allergy?“如果你有顾虑,和你的十大赌博平台排行榜谈谈.


A few prescription antiviral medications for preventing the flu are approved 和 commercially available. 易患流感的人群, 比如卫生保健工作者, 和 those at special risk for complications should speak with their doctor about using an antiviral medication to help prevent the illness.

此外,还有许多方法 减少感染和传播的可能性 呼吸系统疾病,如流感;

  • 洗手. H和-washing is one of the most basic 和 proven methods for stopping the spread of disease. 经常用肥皂和水洗手, 尤其是咳嗽之后, sneezing or touching commonly shared items in y我们的 house or workplace.
  • 捂住嘴和鼻子. Cough or sneeze into y我们的 elbow or upper sleeve, 和 ask people around you to do the same.
  • 避免触摸眼睛、鼻子和嘴巴. Germs often spread when people h和le something contaminated 和 then touch their eyes, 鼻子或嘴巴.
  • 限制近距离接触. 限制与病人接触. 当你生病的时候,和别人保持距离.
  • 生病的时候呆在家里. If you have the flu, take precautions to limit exposing others to the virus. 如果可能的话,呆在家里不去上班和上学. It's best to avoid attending public 和 family gatherings as well as running err和s.



  • 发烧,通常在华氏102度左右
  • 头疼
  • 极度疲劳
  • 干咳
  • 喉咙痛
  • 流鼻涕或鼻塞
  • 肌肉酸痛

除了, 胃肠道症状,如恶心, 流感有时会伴有呕吐和腹泻. 这些在儿童中比在成人中更常见.

Many people use the term "stomach flu" to describe illnesses with nausea, vomiting or diarrhea. 虽然这些症状有时可能与流感有关, 它们很少是流感的主要症状, which tends to be a respiratory rather than a stomach or intestinal disease. Other viruses, bacteria or even parasites can cause gastrointestinal symptoms.


流感是会传染的. 你可以从某一天开始传播流感 之前 你会感到不舒服,并在生病后长达7天. 儿童的传染性可能超过7天.

流感病毒在流感患者咳嗽时传播, sneezes or speaks 和 spreads virus-laden droplets into the air that others inhale. The virus also can spread when somebody h和les a surface with flu viruses on it, 比如门把手, 然后触摸他们的眼睛, 鼻子或嘴巴.


如果你突然感到身体疼痛,你可能得了流感, 发烧及呼吸道症状, especially if y我们的 illness occurs between October 和 April – the usual flu season in the United States. 然而,人们在一年中的任何时候都可能得流感.

尽管十大赌博平台排行榜通常通过评估症状来诊断流感, it's impossible to tell for sure whether you have the flu based on symptoms alone, 因为其他呼吸系统疾病也会引起类似的症状. Tests can offer a definitive diagnosis but need to be performed in the first two or three days after y我们的 symptoms begin. A physical examination may be needed to determine if you have a不her health issue that is a complication of the flu.


如果你得了流感, it's best to rest 和 give y我们的 body a chance for a complete 和 speedy recovery.

  • 充分休息
  • 多喝液体
  • 避免使用酒精和烟草

You can take medications to relieve y我们的 symptoms but never give aspirin to children or teenagers who have flu-like symptoms, 特别热, 没有先问过十大赌博平台排行榜. Giving aspirin to children 和 teenagers with the flu can cause a rare but serious illness called Reye's syndrome. 患流感的儿童或青少年应该充分休息, 多喝液体, 服用不含阿司匹林的药物来缓解症状.

如果你有异常严重的症状, 比如呼吸困难, 或者如果你有特殊的并发症风险, 一旦出现症状,请立即联系十大赌博平台排行榜. 你可以服用抗病毒药物, which could reduce the severity 和 possibly shorten the c我们的se of the illness. Talk to y我们的 doctor right away, as you must start these medications in the first two days of illness.


Complications caused by the flu include bacterial pneumonia 和 dehydration. 此外,流感会加重慢性疾病,如 充血性心力衰竭, 哮喘糖尿病. Children may develop sinus problems 和 ear infections as a result of the flu.

加州大学旧金山分校健康医学专家已经审查了这些信息. It is for educational purposes only 和 is 不 intended to replace the advice of y我们的 doctor or other health care provider. We enc我们的age you to discuss any questions or concerns you may have with y我们的 provider.



加州大学旧金山分校的专家帮助解释了流感和COVID-19之间的区别, 什么时候去做检查, 以及为什么你不应该尝试诊断自己.


Unlike a cold, the flu is a serious illness that can have life-threatening complications. 这是感冒和流感症状的对比. 了解更多.


If you are at special risk of flu complications, 一旦出现症状,请立即联系十大赌博平台排行榜. 点击这里了解更多.












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