
拼箱 眼泪


The lateral collateral ligament (拼箱) is a thin band of connective tissue that runs along the outside of the knee. It connects the femur (thighbone) to the fibula (the more slender long bone of the calf). 类似于内侧副韧带(在膝盖内侧), 拼箱在膝盖运动时起到稳定膝盖的作用. 拼箱 tears commonly result when a direct blow to the inside of the knee stretches the outer ligament until it tears. The tear may occur anywhere along the ligament – in the middle or at either end.

People often tear the 拼箱 while playing a sport in which forceful collisions are common, 比如足球或曲棍球. The 拼箱 and posterolateral corner (back and outside part of the knee) may also be injured in a car accident, 坠落或其他影响该地区的事件. It's important to know that an 拼箱 tear usually occurs in conjunction with another knee injury.


UCSF is committed to helping patients with 拼箱 tears return to their highest possible level of activity, 无论是每天散步还是报道NFL的训练. 我们的团队包括整形外科十大赌博平台排行榜, 初级保健运动医学十大赌博平台排行榜, 物理治疗师和运动教练. These specialists work together to tailor a treatment plan to each patient's needs and goals.

奖 & 识别

迹象 & 症状

拼箱撕裂最常见的症状是疼痛, 刚度, 沿膝盖外侧肿胀和压痛. 你的膝盖也可能会感到松弛,好像它会在压力下屈服. More severe tears can cause numbness or weakness in the foot; this occurs if the peroneal nerve (located near the 拼箱) is stretched at the time of injury or squeezed by subsequent swelling of the surrounding tissues.


第一步是体检. 你的十大赌博平台排行榜会检查膝盖外部是否疼痛或压痛, then apply pressure to the area while your leg is both bent and straight, 哪些可以表明你受伤的严重程度.

Sometimes the immediate pain and swelling make it difficult to gauge severity. 在这种情况下, you may be asked to wear a light brace and to ice and elevate your knee until the swelling goes down.


  • x射线. 这些可以显示腓骨或其他骨骼的骨折, 比如股骨和胫骨(小腿较大的长骨).
  • 磁共振成像(MRI). This test assesses the severity of 拼箱 injuries with more than 90 percent accuracy. It's often used to confirm the ligament injury diagnosis and to check for injuries to cartilage or other knee ligaments.


治疗取决于受伤的程度. 严重的拼箱撕裂, 这通常伴随着其他膝关节损伤, 可能需要手术, 然后是物理治疗. 不太严重的损伤通常只对物理治疗有效. 我们提供全方位的物理治疗, 包括锻炼方案, functional activities and neuromuscular reeducation (techniques that train the area to move normally again). Our specialists guide each patient through a personalized program designed to facilitate healing, 恢复功能,提高体能.

尽管严重的损伤通常需要手术, 较小的损伤通常对非手术治疗反应良好. 恢复时间取决于受伤的严重程度.


  • 休息一段时间
  • 支撑
  • 物理治疗

一旦疼痛和肿胀消退, you should be able to begin exercises to restore strength and normal range of motion.

如果你撕裂的拼箱不能完全愈合, 你可能会感到关节不稳定, 使它容易再次受伤. Surgery to treat a torn 拼箱 usually calls for general anesthesia and takes one to two hours, though it may take longer if other knee injuries – such as a tear of the anterior cruciate ligament – also require surgical treatment. The surgeon makes an incision on the outside of the knee to gain access to the torn ligament. In some cases, the ligament is reattached to the bone with sutures, screws or other devices. 在其他情况下, the ligament is reconstructed with a tendon from either the patient's other knee or a cadaver knee.

After surgery, patients work closely with a physical therapist on regaining motion and strength. 手术后一到两周, 你要再去看十大赌博平台排行榜做一次身体检查, 拆线和x光检查. You'll generally be using crutches and a knee brace for six weeks after surgery. Rehabilitation plans vary according to the specific injury and surgical procedure, though a full return to sports is generally achieved nine to 12 months after surgery.


  • 手术后什么时候开始物理治疗?

    You should start as soon as possible, generally within one to two weeks after surgery. You may be able to start your program right after the first post-op appointment

  • 我要拄拐杖多久?

    手术后的六到八周内,你很可能要拄着拐杖. The time period depends on whether other structures in your knee needed repair

  • 我听说过可以缓解疼痛的冷敷装置. 它们有效吗??

    你可以使用多种结冰方法, such as placing a regular ice pack or a package of frozen vegetables over your knee bandages. 冷疗单位, 哪一种是用膝盖上的垫子让冰水循环, 方便有效. 你可以在网上买, at a medical supply store or in one of the UCSF orthotics and prosthetics centers.

  • 我要缝针吗??

    你的膝盖外侧要缝几针. They will be covered by a bandage and removed at your first post-op appointment.

  • 我什么时候有后续预约?

    You'll see your doctor about a week after surgery for an exam, x射线 and removal of the stitches.

  • 手术后我什么时候可以洗澡?

    You should keep the dressing on and knee dry until your first post-op visit; you'll likely be cleared to shower then. But don't submerge your knee in a bathtub until three to four weeks after your surgery.

  • 我什么时候可以回学校或工作?

    Most patients are ready to return to school or desk work five to seven days after surgery. If you're able to work from home, your initial recovery will be easier. 如果你有一份体力要求很高的工作, you may need more time for a safe recovery and medical clearance before returning to work.

  • 拼箱手术后我什么时候可以开车?

    那要看哪条腿动了手术. 如果是你的左膝受伤,而你开的是自动驾驶汽车, you can drive once you're no longer taking narcotic pain medication and feel capable of driving safely. 如果你的右膝做了手术, 你需要等三到六周, 基于与你的外科十大赌博平台排行榜的讨论.

加州大学旧金山分校健康医学专家已经审查了这些信息. It is for educational purposes only and is not intended to replace the advice of your doctor or other health care provider. We encourage you to discuss any questions or concerns you may have with your provider.



为什么女性膝盖受伤越来越多? Researchers suspect one of the most likely causes is the way women are built. 点击这里了解更多.


虽然副韧带损伤是很难避免的, here are several steps you can take to improve the strength and flexibility of your knees.

在哪里获得护理 (2)



    病例管理 & 社会工作

    与一个可以帮助你找到资源的团队联系, 在UCSF治疗期间为您解决问题并为您提供支持.



    This eight-week class teaches mindfulness practices that can reduce stress and improve your overall health, 比如冥想和身体意识.



    我们十大赌博靠谱网络平台您对您在加州大学旧金山分校健康中心的体验进行反馈. 了解如何与我们联系,提出意见、问题或疑虑.



    Chaplains representing many faiths are available around the clock to provide support, 给病人安慰和忠告, 家庭和照顾者.
