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肩膀 位错


A dislocated shoulder is one of the most common shoulder injuries, especially in young athletes and people who play contact sports.

To understand the injury, it helps to understand the shoulder's structure. The shoulder is a ball-and-socket joint, yet the shoulder's anatomy allows for an amazing amount of flexibility. 肱骨头(上臂骨)是一个球体,位于肩胛骨的盂内(浅窝). 因为肩关节窝很浅,肩膀的稳定依赖于周围的软组织. 肩关节唇(关节窝内的软骨)和肩关节囊(包含关节液和一些韧带)提供了肩关节的大部分稳定性. The muscles of the rotator cuff and shoulder blade also help.

肩关节脱位最常发生在手臂用力远离身体并向外旋转时, as in the motion of throwing a baseball. 肱骨头从关节盂前部部分拔出, which is called a shoulder subluxation, 或全部, which is called a shoulder dislocation. 虽然有些人可以自己把肱骨放回关节, many need to have it done in an emergency room.


重复脱位或相关肩伤的易损性取决于一个人的年龄. 30岁以下的运动员再次发生肩部脱臼的风险很高. This risk decreases with age. 然而,50岁以上的人肩部脱臼导致肩袖撕裂的可能性更高.

Our approach to shoulder dislocation

我们的团队包括专门研究肩部的骨科十大赌博平台排行榜(在关节镜和传统技术方面都有专业知识)和在治疗此类损伤患者方面经验丰富的物理治疗师. These specialists work together to relieve pain and restore mobility, so patients can return to their normal lives and favorite activities.


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迹象 & 症状

Someone who has a dislocated shoulder may experience:

  • 剧烈的疼痛
  • 肿胀
  • Inability to move the joint
  • A visible bump in the front or back of the shoulder
  • Temporary numbness or tingling in the shoulder area and down the arm


十大赌博平台排行榜通常通过病人的病史和身体检查来诊断肩膀脱臼. 通常在患者第一次因脱臼就诊时以及肩部复位后进行x光检查. 图像可以显示肱骨头或关节盂是否有明显的损伤.

Some patients also need an MRI, which allows the doctor to check for other damage to the shoulder, such as a labral injury or a rotator cuff tear.


治疗肩膀脱臼的第一种方法是十大赌博平台排行榜将上臂骨放回肩窝, which quickly brings significant pain relief. Simple therapies such as applying ice packs, 服用口服止痛药并在手臂上缠上绷带几周可以进一步减轻疼痛和肿胀. 患者通常参加一个疗程的物理治疗来稳定肩膀. 在许多情况下,这些措施使患者恢复到以前的活动水平.

For patients who've had multiple dislocations, or who play sports that raise the risk of another dislocation, surgery may be an option. 该手术通常在关节镜下进行(将细长的器械穿过小切口以观察和治疗关节)。, and patients can go home the same day. 患者在全身麻醉(完全睡眠)下接受神经阻滞(一种阻断该区域疼痛信号的注射), which lessens post-op pain. The procedure involves repairing the labrum back to the glenoid cavity, so the shoulder won't dislocate again. 手术后,患者要戴上吊带四到六周,让组织愈合.

An important part of a full recovery is participating in physical therapy. Most patients start a program one to two weeks after surgery. 一开始, 重点将是保持肩膀的移动能力,同时仍然保护修复. 六周后, 患者可以逐渐减少吊带的使用,并进行积极的活动范围练习. Once movement is recovered, patients work on strengthening the shoulder. 他们通常可以在手术后六个月左右恢复身体接触运动和其他更危险的活动.

Depending on their medical history with regard to the shoulder, some patients need a different procedure, 开放手术(一种传统的手术)或手术来解决肩窝骨的损伤. 对于那些之前做过肩部稳定手术或多次脱臼的患者, 手术选择可能包括Latarjet喙骨移植(将一块骨头从肩胛骨移到肩关节前部以稳定关节)或使用患者身体其他部位或供体骨重建肩关节. Our surgical care team carefully reviews each patient's history, exam findings and imaging studies to determine the best option.

Frequently asked questions

加州大学旧金山分校健康 medical specialists have reviewed this information. 它仅用于教育目的,并不打算取代您的十大赌博平台排行榜或其他医疗保健提供者的建议. 我们鼓励您与您的供应商讨论您可能遇到的任何问题或疑虑.

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