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Shoulder Impingement Syndrome


肩撞击综合征(SIS)是成人肩部疼痛的常见原因. 患有此病的人在将手臂举过头顶时,会感到与肩膀肌腱和软组织有关的疼痛.

肩胛骨(肩胛骨)顶部外缘的延伸部分称为肩峰. When someone lifts their arm overhead, 肩峰和肱骨头(上臂骨的顶部)之间的空间变小了. 这个区域是肩袖、肱二头肌肌腱和滑囊(缓冲液囊)。. 这些结构的压迫(撞击)会引起疼痛并限制活动.

滑囊炎症(滑囊炎)或肌腱袖或肱二头肌的炎症(肌腱炎)是疼痛的. 随着时间的推移,肌腱会发生退行性变化(肌腱病)。. 在某些情况下,反复的肩袖撞击会导致肌腱部分撕裂. These may even lead to larger or complete tears over time.

Repetitive arm movements, 特别是在某些运动中,比如游泳时, 排球或网球——会增加患SIS的可能性. 这种疼痛也可能是由于有影响的小事件造成的, such as a fall onto the shoulder or outstretched hand. In some cases, the problem has no obvious cause.

Our approach to shoulder impingement syndrome

Many patients with SIS get better with rest and physical therapy. Pain medications can also be useful, and in some cases, 肩关节注射可的松可以减轻疼痛和肿胀, aiding recovery.

如果疼痛持续,特殊结构需要注意,手术是一种选择. For these patients, 我们的团队包括专门从事肩部手术的骨科十大赌博平台排行榜和专注于治疗骨科和运动医学患者的物理治疗师. 这些专家一起工作以减轻疼痛和恢复活动能力, 这样病人就可以恢复正常的生活和喜欢的活动.

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Signs & symptoms

People with SIS may experience:

  • 肩膀疼痛和无力,尤其是在举起超过肩膀的重物时
  • 活动范围减小,可能影响日常工作, such as getting dressed and washing hair
  • Trouble sleeping



X-rays or an MRI of the shoulder can also be useful. An MRI may show fluid or inflammation in the area. In some cases, 可见部分撕裂或其他涉及肩袖和周围结构的损伤.


Nonsurgical treatment

SIS的初始治疗通常包括保守措施,如物理治疗和止痛药. 大多数患者受益于一个疗程的物理治疗,重点是伸展肩膀,加强肩袖和肩胛骨肌肉, 以及姿势练习来解决肩胛骨的位置.

十大赌博平台排行榜通常会开一个疗程的非甾体抗炎药(NSAIDs),比如布洛芬. 另一种消炎方法是在肩部注射局部麻醉剂和可的松. 富血小板血浆注射是一些患者最近考虑的一种治疗方法, though many insurance plans do not cover them.

Surgical treatment

对于那些疼痛对保守疗法无效的病人, our orthopedic surgeons have expertise in shoulder impingement. As with any kind of surgery, there are risks and possible complications, 所以我们通常只在非手术治疗失败的情况下才会探索这些选择.

In the most common surgical treatment, a minimally invasive procedure called subacromial decompression, 目的是通过在肱骨头和肩峰之间创造更多的空间来减轻对肩袖和滑囊的压迫. Performed with an arthroscope (an endoscope for use in joints), 外科十大赌博平台排行榜将一个微型摄像机和细长的器械穿过一个小切口,切除引起撞击的肩峰部分和一些滑囊. 如果肩部有其他需要修复的情况(比如肩袖撕裂), the surgeon may address these at the same time.

Postsurgical recovery

为了促进愈合,患者通常在手术后的一到两周内使用吊带. During that time, they shouldn't drive. After this period, they begin a physical therapy program, 首先着重于恢复被动活动范围,然后是主动活动范围. Between six and eight weeks after surgery, patients can progress to strengthening exercises, 完全恢复活动通常是在手术后三到四个月.

Frequently asked questions

UCSF Health medical specialists have reviewed this information. 它仅用于教育目的,并不打算取代您的十大赌博平台排行榜或其他医疗保健提供者的建议. 我们鼓励您与您的供应商讨论您可能遇到的任何问题或疑虑.

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