


网球肘, 也叫外上髁炎, is a common condition involving the muscles and tendons of the outer forearm, 就在肘部以下. A tendon is a tough band of tissue that connects muscle to bone. The tendons involved in tennis elbow attach the extensor muscles of the forearm to the prominent outer part of the elbow bone, 叫做外上髁. Repeated contraction of the forearm extensor muscles – used when extending the wrist (pulling the hand back, as in the hand signal to stop traffic) and with gripping or twisting movements – can lead to tiny tears in the tendon that cause pain at the lateral elbow. Pain may spread into the forearm and wrist. Despite the name, tennis elbow affects many people who never play tennis.

The exact tendon most commonly involved in tennis elbow connects to a muscle called the extensor carpi radialis brevis. This muscle becomes overused with repetitive arm and wrist movements, such as in painting; using hand tools, such as screwdrivers and hammers; or from long hours of manipulating a computer mouse. 在像网球这样的球拍运动中, the tendon is overstressed when a player uses an improper grip or backhand technique.


The team at UCSF includes primary care sports medicine doctors; orthopedic surgeons who specialize in sports medicine, including elbow injuries; athletic trainers; and physical therapists. These experts work together to relieve pain and restore mobility, so that patients can return to their normal lives and favorite activities.

奖 & 识别

迹象 & 症状

People with tennis elbow may experience:

  • Recurring pain in the upper forearm on the side away from the torso and 就在肘部以下 joint, especially after activity (less commonly, pain that radiates or shoots down the forearm toward the wrist)
  • 颤抖时的疼痛, 转动门把手, or gripping and lifting even a light object, 像个咖啡杯
  • 难以完全伸展手腕
  • Ongoing intermittent discomfort (sometimes continuing weeks to months, 甚至是几年, 没有适当的照顾)


十大赌博平台排行榜 can usually diagnose tennis elbow through a physical exam alone. 病人肘部外侧有触痛, 在外上髁区域, 伸展手腕会疼, 尤其是面对压力时. 肘 X-rays may be ordered if the doctor suspects abnormal calcium deposits, 骨刺或关节问题. A diagnostic ultrasound or an MRI is sometimes ordered if the diagnosis is unclear or the patient doesn't improve with treatment.


对大多数人来说, tennis elbow gets better simply by taking a break from aggravating activities and following a regular stretching routine. Icing the area and taking anti-inflammatory medications may be recommended, 尤其是最近才开始疼痛的时候. Physical therapy can help by strengthening the affected muscles.

Since tennis elbow pain is caused by repetitive wrist movements, a rigid Velcro wrist brace is sometimes recommended to immobilize the wrist. An elbow wrap is also helpful for some patients.

Various injections can be considered if 症状 persist. Cortisone (an injectable steroid) can reduce inflammation and thus decrease pain. 通常与利多卡因一起使用, an anesthetic that provides immediate pain relief, and ultrasound imaging may be used to guide placement of the injection. However, the effects of this treatment may not last long. 视具体情况而定, 可以考虑其他治疗方法, such as trigger point or platelet-rich plasma injections, 或者一种叫做干针的方法.

For the small number of patients who don't get better with nonsurgical treatments, 手术可能是一个合理的选择. 在一个过程中, the tendon is cut loose from its attachment to the lateral epicondyle, which eliminates the stress on the tendon but may weaken the muscle. Another surgical technique involves removing the injured area of the tendon and repairing any tears.

加州大学旧金山分校健康 medical specialists have reviewed this information. It is for educational purposes only and is not intended to replace the advice of your doctor or other health care provider. We encourage you to discuss any questions or concerns you may have with your provider.

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