The Ross procedure is a surgical treatment for a diseased aortic valve. 心脏的四个瓣膜之一, the aortic valve controls the flow of oxygen-rich blood out to the body. 如果瓣膜变窄, 这种情况被称为主动脉狭窄, 心脏必须更加努力地工作来泵血, causing the muscle to thicken and potentially leading to heart failure. 如果主动脉瓣渗漏, 这种情况被称为瓣膜反流, 血液会回流到心脏, 最终也会导致心力衰竭.

The standard treatment for either condition is to replace the faulty valve with a prosthetic one that is either mechanical (made from a durable material, 如钛)或由动物组织制成. 但两者都不是完美的解决方案. 组织瓣膜磨损,必须更换, 而机械瓣膜容易形成血栓, which means patients with them have to take blood-thinning medications for the rest of their lives.

罗斯程序提供了另一种选择. The surgeon replaces the diseased valve with another of the patient's own heart valves, 肺动脉瓣. The swap works because 肺动脉瓣 is similarly shaped and can become thick and strong enough to function like an aortic valve. The pulmonary valve, in turn, is replaced with a valve from a cadaver donor.