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主动脉 狭窄


主动脉是将富含氧气的血液从心脏输送到身体其他部位的主要动脉. When the valve between your heart and aorta becomes narrowed, the condition is called aortic valve stenosis.

Because the narrowed opening restricts blood flow, 你的心脏必须更加努力地将血液输送到主动脉以满足身体的需要. At first, this may not cause any 症状. As the condition progresses and the valve gets narrower, you may experience chest pain, shortness of breath, dizziness or fainting. Over time, the strain can weaken your heart and cause 心脏衰竭. Severe aortic stenosis is not preventable but can be treated.

Our approach to aortic stenosis

UCSF is internationally recognized for heart care. Our 心 Valve Disease Clinic 汇集介入心脏病专家和心胸外科十大赌博平台排行榜,为主动脉瓣狭窄患者提供全面的护理. Our experts offer the full range of treatments, from minimally invasive procedures to open-heart surgery. 此外, our doctors are active in research, 这意味着我们的患者可以获得最新的治疗方法,并有机会参加临床试验(对有前景的新治疗方法的研究).

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原因 & 症状


主动脉瓣狭窄是最常见的瓣膜疾病,男性比女性更常见. For most people, the condition develops with age. 2人以上.美国有500万75岁以上的人患有主动脉狭窄.

Severe aortic stenosis may be related to a number of factors:

  • Aging is a factor. 与年龄相关的主动脉狭窄通常在60岁以后开始,这是瓣膜中钙积聚的结果, but 症状 often don't appear until a person is 70 or even 80.
  • Radiation therapy, which is used to treat certain cancers, can cause thickening and calcification of the valve.
  • 导致心脏瘢痕组织形成的细菌感染(如风湿热可能发生的)可以阻止瓣膜正常工作.
  • 高胆固醇会增加脂肪沉积,从而使瓣膜开口变窄.
  • 出生缺陷会影响瓣膜的结构和功能.


In the mild to moderate stages of aortic stenosis, blood flow usually isn't restricted enough to cause 症状. Many people don't know they have the condition at this stage. 一些病人在例行检查时被告知有心脏杂音.

随着病情的发展,开口进一步狭窄,心肌减弱. As aortic stenosis becomes severe, patients notice uncomfortable 症状, such as shortness of breath or fatigue. This can be life-threatening, 因此,如果你发现新的症状或症状恶化,立即告诉你的十大赌博平台排行榜是至关重要的.




An 超声心动图 is an ultrasound of the heart. It produces images of the heart chambers, valves and blood flow, 还可以显示血液是否在跳动的心脏内凝结. We perform a transesophageal 超声心动图 (TEE), 其中一根长柔性管将换能器(发射声波的装置)送入喉咙. TEE提供的图像比体外成像更清晰.


An 血管造影 is another type of imaging test. During the test, the doctor inserts a thin, 一根被称为导管的柔性管子插入血管(通常在腹股沟区域),并将其引导至心脏. 然后十大赌博平台排行榜通过导管注射一种无害的染料,这种染料在x射线上显示得很好,以跟踪血液流向心脏.


A 胸部x光片 显示钙沉积的存在,显示心脏和肺部的大小和形状. 所有需要做心脏瓣膜手术的病人事先都要做胸部x光检查.


To monitor your condition, 美国心脏病学会和美国心脏协会建议,如果你有轻度主动脉狭窄,每三到五年做一次超声心动图,如果你有中度主动脉狭窄,每一到两年做一次.

Your treatment depends on the severity of your condition. 如果狭窄是轻度或中度,你可能没有症状或需要治疗. Be sure to tell your doctor about any new or worsening 症状.

随着病情的发展,你可能需要更换受损的瓣膜. There are several ways to do this.

Open-heart surgery

In open-heart surgery, 外科十大赌博平台排行榜在胸部中间切开一个切口,取出受损的瓣膜,并放置一个新的. 新的瓣膜可以由动物组织或耐用材料制成,如钛. Or, in an open-heart operation known as the 罗斯过程即使用患者自己的一个功能性心脏瓣膜作为替代物. 因为做这些手术时心脏必须停止跳动, the patient is on a heart-lung bypass machine during the operation. 有些病人不适合做心脏直视手术,因为他们病得太重,或者有其他疾病,风险太大. 罗斯手术一般只适用于60岁以下的患者.

Minimally invasive valve replacement

As with open-heart surgery, 在微创瓣膜置换术中,患者必须使用心肺旁路机. 然而, 外科十大赌博平台排行榜可以通过在胸部开一个小得多的切口来进行手术, 使用微型摄像机和细长的工具来拆卸和更换损坏的阀门. 这是一些不能做传统开胸手术的病人的一个选择.

Transcatheter aortic valve replacement (TAVR)

TAVR 我们是否可以根据病人的评估,为他们提供一种侵入性更小的手术. Instead of making an incision in the chest, 外科十大赌博平台排行榜将导管穿过血管到达心脏, then inserts a new valve inside the old one. TAVR is performed while the heart is beating, so the patient doesn't need to be on a heart-lung bypass machine.

Balloon aortic valvuloplasty

这种微创手术的目的是扩大狭窄的瓣膜,而不是替换它. 导管的尖端有一个微小的气球,穿过血管,直到到达受损的瓣膜. At that point, the balloon is inflated to expand the narrowed valve. The balloon is then deflated and the catheter is withdrawn.

加州大学旧金山分校健康 medical specialists have reviewed this information. 它仅用于教育目的,并不打算取代您的十大赌博平台排行榜或其他医疗保健提供者的建议. 我们鼓励您与您的供应商讨论您可能遇到的任何问题或疑虑.

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